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What is Virgin Hair?

Virgin hair is 100% unprocessed hair which means it has never been chemically processed. Our virgin hair comes from one donor and is single drawn leaving the hair full from top to bottom. All of our donors are on an extremely healthy diet that consist of natural fruits/vegetables and high protein leaving the hair very durable and full of luster. All of our bundles are 6A grade except for the Raw Remy which is 7A that is why the price is a bit more for those bundles.


What Color Can I Get?

All of our virgin hair comes in a natural brown, medium brown or dark brown hair color. You are free to dye your hair as you please since the hair takes very well to color. We also offer ombre colors as well such as #613 (blonde).


Is there Even a Difference?

With so many different types of virgin hair in today's hair industry it can be a bit confusing to really understand what makes each of them distinct. Classy Chic has numerous different types of virgin hair and we are constantly looking for more to introduce to all of you classy ladies. Once you make a selection on a hair type a brief description of the hair is noted for your convenience. If you still are not clear in its difference please feel free to send us an email!


How Many Bundles Do I Need?

All bundles are 100g and the usual full sew in uses between 200g-300g of hair which is equivalent to 3 bundles; depending on the length and desired thickness, 4 bundles may be required if you choose anything longer than 18inches.


Which Closure is the Best? 

We offer two types of closures lace and silk based and all of our closures come in "free part" which gives you the flexibility to part the closure anywhere and way you like. Closures are great for those who want to give their "leave out" a break or feel like their natural hair will not blend. Lace closures are transparent in its look and lay extremely flat but sometimes bleaching the knots may be required to give it even more of a natural look although ours come semi-bleached already. Bleaching the knots remove the tiny black holes that appear when you part the hair. As for silk base closures they do not require the knots to be bleached and are a bit thicker since the silk material is under the lace making the knots not visible. Although bleaching the knots are not necessary sometimes you may have to tint the closure to match your complexion and an extremely flat install is sometimes hard to achieve since this closure tends to be a bit thicker.

How long will it last?

All of our virgin hair is 6A quality with minimum to no shedding, no matting and very little to no tangles. If the hair is well taken care of it will last between 1-3 years depending on how the hair is cared for. Please try to refrain from excessively combing and brushing the hair. Also please do not blow dry the hair or comb while wet. Air drying is the best way to dry the hair; if possible please try not to cut your wefts when installing since cutting the weft will cause the hair to shed more than usual. Sealing your wefts is a great way to prevent excessive shedding. 


If I don't see it listed does that mean you don't have it?

No. If you are looking for a "custom style" of hair such as deep wave/curly or big loose wave/curl please contact us prior to ordering. You can tell us the type and wave/curl pattern you are seeking or email us a picture and we can custom make it. Once we have confirmed that the style is available you can select the type of hair you want and under options you can select "custom style" with the desired length.


Do you have hair in stock I can Pick-Up?

We do keep some bundles in stock for the convenience of our local customers but it is not guaranteed that all the hair that is on the site is in stock. Please contact us prior to picking up hair locally to assure we have what you are looking for. If it is not in stock or is not expected to be in stock anytime soon we would recommend to place your order through the website.


How do I maintenance the hair? 
Depending on the type of hair you have the maintenance can range from low to moderate. We do not suggest using alcohol based products on the hair for this will dry the virgin hair out. Less is always better when wearing virgin hair, conditioning the hair will revive and moisturize the hair folicles and we suggest that you condition your hair at least once evry other week. If you decide to dye the hair we do suggest that you condition the hair at least once a week with a silicon based product or anything that moisturizes and condtions dyed hair. Please keep in mind that the hair you have installed came off of someone elses head it is imperative that you do not let the hair become dry and unhealthy for this will cause excessive shedding and tangles. For those that purchase curly or deep wave hair YouTube is a great source to learn how to maintian the curl and wave pattern. Braiding the hair every night and detangling it once a week is highly reccomended. Please try not to put a lot of product in the hair for it will weigh it down causing it to loose its natural body and flow. Light serums and shine are perfect for the hair when you feel as if it is drying out or has lost its natural luster.


Thank you for choosing us for your virgin hair needs!

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